All my Floral Bags

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All my Floral Bags

Sabeth Holland’s bemalte Papiertaschen sind heute schon seltene Sammlerstücke, denn man kann sie nicht kaufen. Jede einzelne von ihnen war irgend wann einmal ein Geschenk aus ihrem Atelier und hat ihre eigene Geschichte…

Sabeth Holland on her first and only Floral Bread Bag:
«When I visit my galerist Lilian Andrée in Riehen, we often go to Leyes, a Bakery in St. Louis, and buy a really delicious type of bread, called Ficelles. These bread sticks are so nice and crispy, that they remain fresh for a long time when wrapped in an original bag from Leyes. Here you see the bag that I chose to paint on. I playfully covered it in happy floral motives, while remembering the lovely taste of the bread sticks. I took back to Basel, some time later in the year, where I placed it by the side of one of those streets, that have no special meaning or appeal and left it to coincidence. – This became a very poetic installation which was set to please somebody unknown when passing by. The Floral Bread Bag is just one of many bags that I painted in a similiar process. I love sending them on their way, hoping they will create a story for themselves. – These days it is quite special to own a Sabeth Holland bag, as I do not sell them but use them as a gift or as a means to transport fairytale fantasies…»

Eine ihrer blumigen Tragetaschen auf Velofahrt und darin versteckt ein kleines Bild. – One of her floral bags on tour by bike, with a small painting hidden inside.

Hier unterhalb die erste Tragtasche, die Sabeth Holland mit viel Schwung fürs wohnhaus widnau bemalte, weil sie sich über diese neuartige Plattform für ihre Kunst sehr freut.

Film – Birthday Bag (internal link)

Sabeth Holland’s explanation on the Birthday Bag:
«What a delight it was, to create the Birthday Bag for my friend Monica N. Epper! – Painting and then filming the artpiece in anticipation of the big party at the nearby moated castle, Schloss Hagenwil, the bag became such a fresh and unique gift.»

My Floral Bags – The Film 2015 (internal link)

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